Saturday, November 10, 2012

Don't take yourself seriously! ? Business Management Daily: Free ...

Are you trapped in the illusion that in order to achieve success you must take yourself seriously? Tactfully speaking, that?s just not the case. Sure, there are situations in the workplace that call for the utmost seriousness and necessary consequences, but let?s get real and nip this in the bud. The road to excellence isn?t draped in self-guilt or loathing over the daily shoulda, coulda, woulda.

Dwelling on past mistakes, minor hiccups and taking yourself too seriously only drains your energy and takes up space in your noggin that could be used for storing juicier, forward directed progress and great ideas.

For example, you call a client by the wrong name or accidentally hit ?reply all? and send out an internal email into the external world. Oops! In those moments, take responsibility, correct the error and let it go! Quit reliving the error and beating yourself up; stop taking yourself seriously and get back in the game.

Perhaps you?re sitting around the boardroom table with a fresh, creative idea just waiting to surface, but you silence yourself for fear of rejection or an unwelcomed, embarrassing eye roll. Get over yourself and speak up!

Simply speaking:

  1. Let go of worst-case sce?narios, assumptions and errors that won?t affect tomorrow?s outcomes.
  2. Commit to various steps going forward. Don?t hold yourself back!
  3. Get over it. Let it go. You might surprise yourself if you relax and put things in perspective.

Too many of us waste endless minutes rehashing, reliving or refocusing on our errors.? It?s unproductive if we?ve already taken action to make things right.

Here?s some food for thought (that won?t even tip the scale!):

  • Recognize you?re a human being and it often takes doing something wrong, first, to get it right.
  • The only moment you have control over is the present. Be in it, come back to reality and take action on an assignment that challenges you or makes you feel competent.
  • Relax and allow yourself to grow one uncomfortable situation under your belt at a time.

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